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Mejorar el acceso de los pacientes a los ensayos clínicos sobre el cáncer en todo el país.

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< Resumen de noticias >

Acerca de nuestros programas

Vea los resúmenes de nuestros programas Lazarex CARE, IMPACT y Cancer Wellness HUBs, que ofrecen orientación sobre ensayos clínicos, asistencia financiera, promoción, divulgación y participación comunitaria.

Lazarex 5.44K 2024

Sábado, Abril 20, 2024: Join us for our 7th annual 5.44K run/walk fundraiser that you can do anywhere, in your hometown or at our gathering in Danville, CA. Register as an Individual, Join a Team, or Create a Team.

Willis Watson Narrated

Carmen Bogan, author, narrates Willis Watson Is a Wannabe, a book to inspire young children of color to be the next generation of medical professionals. This is part of our advocacy efforts to advance equity & access in cancer care.
< Resumen de noticias >

A Journey of Cancer and Faith

Tamra is a woman deeply committed to her faith and from the first moment she learned she had Stage 3 Melanoma, she worried less about how cancer will personally impact her and focused more on how she could use this experience to uplift others on a similar journey.

Qué hacemos

At Lazarex Cancer Foundation we help identify FDA cancer clinical trial options, and reimburse out of pocket travel expenses for travel to cancer clinical trial treatments. We make lifesaving connections that give hope to patients now, and opportunity for new treatments in the future.

The State of Diversity in Cancer Clinical Trials 2024

The state of diversity in cancer clinical trials today reflects persistent inequities, with minority racial and ethnic groups being underrepresented. Efforts to improve diversity have faced challenges, including low participation rates among African American and Hispanic American individuals. It is crucial for industry sponsors to prioritize diversity and for Congress to extend mandates to all cancer clinical trials to address this issue effectively.