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克莱-杰克逊: 董事会主席



克莱热衷于领导力、指导和辅导以及志愿服务;特别是在向学生和成人教授金融知识方面。在过去的25年里,他通过与Menttium公司的联系,一直是商界女性的志愿导师,同时也是加州国际银行家协会、北星俱乐部会员协会和金门葡萄酒协会的前任董事会主席。他最近还加入了Zam Zam Water的董事会,目前是他们的董事会主席,也是北加州青年成就组织东湾地区的长期董事会成员。


Kenny J. Simansky, PhD:副主席

Kenny J. Simansky, PhD

肯尼-J-西曼斯基博士是德雷塞尔大学医学院的研究副院长、药理学和生理学教授以及精神病学教授。此前,他曾担任药理学和神经科学研究生课程的主任,以及生物医学研究生课程的副院长。西曼斯基博士是土生土长的纽约人,于1979年在爱荷华大学获得博士学位。他在康奈尔大学医学院获得神经科学奖学金后,于1982年加入宾夕法尼亚医学院的教师队伍。在他的学术研究生涯中,他作为主要研究人员得到了美国国立卫生研究院的资助。他和他的学生们的研究重点是5-羟色胺、阿片类和大麻素调节饮食的细胞机制。 这些大脑机制对于理解肥胖症、药物成瘾和行为紊乱非常重要。他曾被邀请在国内和国际上的许多大学和会议上介绍他的工作,并组织了国际研讨会。他曾在美国国立卫生研究院担任调查员发起的研究和神经科学研究金培训的同行评审小组主席,并曾担任摄食行为研究会的主席,这是一个在其领域的国际科学协会。



Kwame Boateng 财务主管

 Kwame Boateng

Kwame is currently Head of Finance – US at BioLineRx USA, Inc. in Waltham, MA. Preceding this position, he was VP of Finance for at GreenLight Biosciences, and prior to that Head of US Finance and Corporate Treasurer at Oncopeptides Inc., a Swedish oncology biotech. Prior to Oncopeptides, he served as the Head of Finance Operations at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. Kwame also worked at Alexion as the U.S. controller and business partner of the U.S. Soliris and Strensiq franchises at Alexion and at Sunovion/DSPA as Head of Finance. He began his career at Roche as part of a leadership rotation program where he worked within commercial finance, corporate audit, supply chain, business strategy, and commercial areas in various positions of increasing responsibility.



阅读Kwame Boateng的完整简历

Darlene Chiang: 秘书


Darlene Chiang是一位多才多艺的公司律师,在创业环境和跨国企业方面都有经验。她能流利地应对客户每天面临的关键业务挑战。Darlene专注于为国内和国际高增长的科技公司、风险投资公司和企业风险团队提供各种领域的咨询,包括公司法和证券法、组建、风险投资融资、并购、资产剥离和上市前咨询。她曾参与过许多跨国交易,她为外国公司成功地将其业务扩展到美国提供咨询,并在实现商业目标的同时协助管理法律风险。在加入Hanson Bridgett之前,Darlene在Hoge Fenton工作,在这之前她曾在两家全球AM100公司工作。她还曾领导过SK海力士美国公司的法律团队。在成为律师之前,她是甲骨文公司的一名IT专业人士。达琳在加州大学伯克利分校以优异成绩获得学士学位,并在旧金山大学法学院获得法学博士学位。达琳曾在501(c)(3)组织担任无偿顾问,如生命之河基金会和U-Channel电视台。达琳还在亚洲法律联盟做志愿者。达琳的母语是中国普通话,她的童年是在上海度过的。在闲暇时间,达琳喜欢旅行、烹饪、烘焙、徒步旅行、阅读历史和间谍书籍、听玛丽亚-卡拉斯的歌、和她的儿子一起踢足球和玩棋盘游戏。

Ahmad Alrawi, PharmaD

Ahmed Alrawi, PharmaD

Ahmad Alrawi is a biopharmaceutical professional with roughly 20 years of experience. He has worked at large-cap pharma (Roche), mid-size biotech (Genentech), and startups (Alexion and RaPharma).

Ahmad brings US and global expertise in new product development, commercial operations, business development, corporate strategy, diagnostics, market research, positioning, launch readiness, marketing, and sales. Having served patients in multiple therapeutic areas including rare disease, he is passionate about advancing therapeutic solutions for people with high unmet need through cross-functional collaboration. 

Ahmad earned his Doctorate of Pharmacy (PharmD) and his Psychology degree from the University of Michigan. In his free time, Ahmad enjoys traveling, the beach, jazz music, spending time with family & friends, and all things Michigan Wolverines sports (Go Blue!)

Frank Crnkovich博士

Frank Crnkovich博士

Frank Crnkovich医生毕业于美国内布拉斯加大学医学院。 他在德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学院完成了住院医师培训。 医学部-加尔维斯顿完成住院医师培训。他曾在美国海军加州奥克兰的橡树园海军医院服役。 他曾在美国海军位于加州奥克兰的橡树园海军医院服役,他的服役期包括在Mercy TAH-19号医院船的服务。 在沙漠盾牌/风暴行动期间,他在Mercy TAH-19号医院船上服役。 随后,Crnkovich医生在加州大学旧金山分校接受了肌肉骨骼放射学的研究工作。 加州大学旧金山分校的肌肉骨骼放射学奖学金。

Crnkovich医生在丹佛大都市地区从事普通放射学工作已有17年。 在过去的17年里,他一直在丹佛地区从事普通放射学工作,目前是南公园健康影像中心的医疗主任。 目前是科罗拉多州门诊影像中心--南公园健康影像中心的医务主任。 科罗拉多州。

Crnkovich博士对Lazarex的参与源于他的志愿服务 对最初使用Rexin-G治疗的病人的横断面成像研究的审查。 用Rexin-G治疗的病人的横断面成像研究。他通过影像学研究看到了疾病过程对数千名患者的摧残。 他通过影像学研究看到数以千计的患者受到疾病的摧残,并且他亲身经历了 当他所爱的人收到最初的癌症诊断时,他亲身经历了那种绝望的感觉。 癌症的最初诊断时的绝望感。Crnkovich医生在1992年诊断出他自己的父亲患有第四期肺癌。 1992年,他的父亲被诊断出患有第四期肺癌。他的父亲在三周后死于癌症。 三周后去世。

Samira Daswani

Samira Daswani

Samira is a healthcare strategy & design leader. As a serial entrepreneur, she has incubated and operated numerous healthcare startups. She is the VP of New Ventures at Initiate Studios, a venture studio dedicated to building companies that drive change in healthcare. Previously, she was the VP of Product at Visby Medical and launched a multi-million dollar infectious disease test. 

Samira founded Manta Cares, a global community of caregivers and survivors dedicated to transforming the cancer experience. Manta Cares designs and develops tangible tools and resources that enable cancer survivors to regain control and peace of mind. Our flagship product – Manta Planner, has sold to over 1200 patients and caregivers since its launch. She hosts the podcast Patient from Hell, which Spotify ranks within the top 10% of all globally shared podcasts. Manta Cares comes from Samira’s personal experiences as a cancer survivor. 

She started her career at McKinsey & Company. She has degrees from MIT, Stanford University, and Wellesley College. She can be found practicing martial arts, sketching, writing poetry, and playing with her two rescue dogs in her spare time.

Greg Francisco

Greg Francisco

Greg Francisco是成立于1996年的Healthwise Fitness & Consulting的创始人。他的工作重点是通过运动、健康和教育使人们保持健康。他在医疗领域工作了10年,在医学的急性方面积累了经验,并在转入健康的预防方面提供了重要的见解。无论是指导儿童还是与专业运动员一起工作,格雷格的热情都在于人。




交付系统的动态、GCP / GMP法规、项目开发和管理、临床和质量结果等方面有深刻的认识,以及在全球监管机构方面的经验


Elaine MacNeilly

Elaine MacNeilly

Elaine MacNeilly是一名准备好的护士,在加州大学旧金山分校有7年的床边护理经验,并在制药行业的商业和医疗事务部门工作了13年。她有幸参与了Genentech、Pharmacyclics、Clovis Oncology、Oncopeptides等公司的许多药品上市工作,现在担任Rain Therapeutics公司的患者宣传和参与执行董事。 



Dr. Fabian Sandoval

Headshot of Fabian Sandoval

Dr. Fabian Sandoval, President & CEO, has over 25 years of bench to bedside research experience. His diversified research career has been in academia, healthcare systems and the public sector. He received his Bachelor of Science in molecular and cellular biology from Marymount University, and his Doctor of Medicine from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, School of Medicine.

.Before opening the doors to Emerson Clinical Research Institute (ECRI) Dr. Sandoval’s research activities have included bench research at the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) where he focused his work on Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, and Cretzfelt-Jakob Disease. At the NIHs’ Clinical Center conducting research in the outpatient Oncology unit, followed by his successful support of an NIH RO1 grant on preventing epilepsy in post-traumatic brain injury patients in adults and children, simultaneously run at the Washington Hospital Center, and Children’s National Medical Center.

Dr. Sandoval served as the Supervisory Research Integrity & Compliance Officer in the Army Human Research Protections Office in the Office of the Army Surgeon General. Responsibilities included establishment, and oversight of Human Research Protection Programs across Army commands. His input has been instrumental in the review, development, and selection of protocols, in addition to education and training for resident and hospital faculty.

Dr. Sandoval holds the following esteemed positions in the following community areas:

  • Four time Emmy Winner; Host of a one of kind weekly medical TV show “Tu Salud Tu Familia” (Your Family Your Health)
  • Medical Contributor for Telemundo, NBC, WZDC Washington D.C News, as well as Telemundo and Univision National.
  • Leadership Council member, Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS),
  • External Advisor to Genentech Roche
  • Renowned Invited Keynote speaker/presenter to multiple pharmaceutical and clinical trial organizations; on the topic of increasing minorities’ engagement, diversity education and participation, in clinical trials.

Lastly he started the Emerson Community Clinic, in order to support un-insured patients across the DC metro area, as well as starting the Emerson Diversity Health Foundation, whose mission is to educate patients and providers in the importance of participating in clinical research and accesses to care.

Karen Sessions

Karen Sessions

凯伦-塞申斯是一位拥有超过27年传播领导和专业知识的高级管理人员。 拥有超过27年的通信领导和专业知识。凯伦目前担任 位于加州欧文的5 Bars, LLC的首席对外事务官。她 她在对外事务、公共政策、业务发展和实施复杂的通信架构方面有广泛的背景。 她在对外事务、公共政策、业务发展和实施通信技术的复杂架构方面有广泛的背景。 技术。

在加入5 Bars之前,卡伦在Verizon通信公司工作了26年。 通信公司工作了26年,最近的职务是副总裁。 公共政策、法律和安全副总裁,负责当前和新出现的通信公共政策。 目前和新出现的通信公共政策。此外,卡伦 管理商业利益相关者的关系。

卡伦是N. Donald Diebel的共同创始人和董事会成员。 Jr.M.D. Good Samaritan Fund(501(c)(3))的共同创始人和董事会成员,其具体任务是 为佛罗里达州中部地区没有医疗保险的妇女和儿童服务。 社区没有保险的妇女和儿童。该基金是为纪念她已故的丈夫而设立的。

卡伦曾担任佛罗里达州温特帕克市的市政专员和副市长(2007-2010)。 佛罗里达州冬季公园市。该市成立于1887年,拥有1.55亿美元的预算。

卡伦拥有圣母大学的金融学士学位和南佛罗里达大学的硕士学位。 卡伦与国会议员皮特-塞申斯(TX-32)结婚,她有三个儿子:康纳、利亚姆和尼古拉斯,以及两个继子:比尔和亚历克斯。

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